The website of the Town of Alberton, Prince Edward Island
The website for the village of Tignish, Prince Edward Island
Westisle Composite High School
Senior High School for the Western Region of Prince Edward Island - Grades 10-12
M.E. Callaghan Junior High School
Junior High School in Western Prince Edward Island - Grades 7-9
Junior High School in Western Prince Edward Island - Grades 7-9
Grades K - 6
Grades K - 6
Grades K - 6 with French Immersion
Grades K - 6 with French Immersion
Grades K - 6
Grades K - 6
French School - Grades K - 12
A comprehesive tourism guide of the Western region of Prince Edward Island
PEI Associations for Newcomers
Helpful Information for Newcomers to Canada and Prince Edward Island
Slemon Park is a business and residential community with a focus on Aerospace, Training and Real Estate Development
The PSB includes all 56 English public schools across Prince Edward Island.
The website for the Town of O'Leary